
How Many Clients As A Financial Advisor Before Registering In Massachusetts

State of Massachusetts Investment Advisor Registration Facts & Figures

While there are some exceptions, in general, investment advisors with less than $100 million in avails nether management (AUM) that are located in Massachusetts, accept more than 5 clients in Massachusetts, or actively solicit in Massachusetts must register with the State of Massachusetts as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA).

2016 Total 2016 State Rank
Number of RIAs 1,479 five
Population 6,811,779 15
RIA Population Density (residents per RIA) iv,606 2
RIA Geographic Density (sq. land miles per RIA) v 1

Annotation: RIA house data courtesy of Meridian-IQ and includes both SEC and land-registered investment advisory firms that are based in Massachusetts equally of July 2016. Population and geographic data is courtesy of the The states Census Bureau as of the 2010 Demography.

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Massachusetts Investment Advisor Registration Process

Investment Advisor Registration Fiscal Argument Requirements:

  • RIAs with discretion must submit a security bail.

Investment Counselor Representative (IAR) Registration Requirements:

  • Licensing Requirements: Series 65, Serial 66 and Series 7 combined, or CFP, CFA, CIC, ChFC, PFS.
  • Each investment advisor representative must submit the grade U-4 and ADV Part 2B.

General Business firm Registration Requirements

  • Payment of all Country of Massachusetts registration filing fees
  • FINRA Entitlement paperwork
    • In order to file a registered investment adviser application with the state of Massachusetts, one must first utilize to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for an business relationship (Entitlement) to their WebCRD/IARD on-line system (the web application for the registration of RIA's and their representatives). While RIA's are in no way regulated or supervised by FINRA, the state of Massachusetts uses FINRA'southward WebCRD/IARD organisation to process applications.
  • Form ADV i (online)
    • The Class ADV Part one is the on-line component to your Firm's registration documentation. Note: The Course ADV Part i primarily discloses data almost the House. Private information is primarily disclosed in the Course U4 as detailed below. The Course ADV Office 1 is also the vehicle to upload your Firm's Form ADV Part 2A (Firm Brochure) and Form ADV Part 2B's (Brochure Supplements).
  • Grade ADV 2A (paper and online)
    • The Course ADV Function 2A acts as your Firm's Brochure. It is a narrative description of your services, fees, disciplinary disclosures, every bit well as several other Firm details. The Course ADV Office 2A must be provided to all Clients and Prospective Clients. The state of Massachusetts requires that the ADV Grade 2A exist written in "manifestly English language" and easily understood by your clients.
  • Course ADV 2B (newspaper and online)
    • The Course ADV 2B is the paper brochure that Investment Adviser Representatives must (in near cases) provide to clients. This form contains employment, educational, disharmonize of interest, and disciplinary information. Generally, Executive Officers, any person generating investment communication provided to clients, and any representative advising clients must have a Course ADV Function 2B.
  • Client Informational Contract
    • Client Advisory Contract including an investment policy argument that meets the appropriate regulatory dominance standards for client informational contracts in Massachusetts state.
  • Policies and Procedures Manual
    • The firm's Policies and Procedures manual is the guiding document that your business firm volition use to maintain and enforce your firm's internal policies on all aspects of your business concern from the handling of client complaints to the training of new Investment Adviser Representatives. It also houses your firm's Business Continuity Plan, Information Security Policy, Anti-money Laundering Policy, and Anti-insider Trading Policy.
  • Privacy Policy Statement
    • The Firm's Privacy Policy Statement must be provided to all clients at the beginning of the client human relationship and annually thereafter. It must disclose how the firm stores, and handles and disseminates client information. Privacy Policy Statements are built to your firm's specifications and designed to come across Country of Massachusetts compliance requirements.
  • Code of Ethics
    • Code of Ideals filing ensuring that you meet the standards of the State of Massachusetts.

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